Now that we have an idea of what a virtual training session looks like, let’s walk through our step-by-step guide on how to conduct virtual training. How to virtually train your team to brainstorm and discuss the structure of the meeting. Before creating the content for your virtual training session, consider how you will structure your topic. Think carefully about the topic and write down your thoughts on the best way to convey this type of information. This will be the outline for your meeting. Be sure to include an introduction, and then you can think about what types of interactive questions you want to ask. Decide which breakout sessions you want to host and how to extract the rest of the information.
Finally, write down the estimated time for each section so you know how long the Phone Number List session will last. Create quality content. Once you create an outline, it’s time to create high-quality, valuable content. You may need to create videos, design worksheets, and design discussion questions. Then you need to build the slideshow that will be used to navigate all of your great content. Remember, slides should not contain too much text. You can write what you want to say in the card. Build breaks into the agenda. In your outline, if you haven't included a break, add it now.

Taking a ten minute break after an hour and a half is best practice. Many training sessions last a full day and feature back-to-back presentations. Give attendees a chance to stand up, stretch, grab a snack, and use the restroom. Prioritize participation. After creating the content, run the session. See how interactive and engaging these materials are. You may be able to add more participation opportunities in some sections. Please pay attention to these areas. If a particular part of the training seems to be missing the mark, consider using interactive tools to make it more interesting.