Advertising exchanges in Telegram Purchasing advertising through specialized exchanges is one of the most effective ways to promote in Telegram. Here you have to pay a commission, but: all hosted channels are interested in advertising; the exchange monitors compliance with the conditions; the channel owner receives payment after fulfilling his obligations. You can select the channels on which you want to place your advertising based on various criteria: number of subscribers; average cost of accommodation; compliance with the theme of your channel, etc. Thanks to the advertising exchange, you do not have to negotiate with channel administrators.
Tele Target Advertising Exchange Tele Target Advertising Exchange On specialized exchanges, you can select the publication time, track placement and receive statistics on your advertising directly in your personal account. Examples of exchanges In addition, when paying through the exchange, you can act as an individual or as a legal entity, in the latter case Web Development Services you will be able to obtain the necessary closing documents for accounting. Official targeting in Telegram Advertising in Telegram consists of small text and a button, it is shown only in channels with a subscriber base of more than 1000 people and will unobtrusively tell about your channel on many others.

A complete guide to setting up official advertising can be found in our article “Advertising on Telegram: how much it costs and how to launch it.” Here we will briefly discuss the main points. How to add subscribers to a Telegram channel using Telegram targeting: go to the official Telegram advertising website; register and log into your personal account; enter the title and text of the ad, add a link to your channel in the or link format, but adding links to external resources is prohibited; set the price per 1000 ad views – CPM; select the language and category of channels.