Take out a loan/finance with a purpose other than expanding the business Lack of planning Choosing the wrong partner You can undertake working as an employee When talking about entrepreneurship, the first thing that comes to mind is having your own business. Stop being an employee to become a boss. However, you can and should undertake working as an employee.
The coordinator of the Sebrae Goiás Public Policy Unit recalls, however, that lending her entrepreneurial skills to the company she works for is essential for a fruitful career . “An individual can have moible number data entrepreneurial behaviors in their workplace, whether in a public or private company. This will certainly make all the difference in your career, translated into quality results.

Entrepreneurship and cooperativism together The fifth principle of cooperativism is “Education, Training and Information”. Being a cooperative is committing to the future of the members, the movement and their communities. See here the seven cooperative principles. For this reason, the Sicoob Institute develops programs and projects in support of the communities in which it operates.