Returning to the case posed in the introduction, a company that operates in a very specific sector whose offer is addressed only to a niche target audience and which already has all the prospects' commercial contacts in its database does not need to rock the boat too much to attract traffic from new potential customers to the site. The objective is to continue selling to customers already in the portfolio with upselling and cross-selling operations and bring in the prospects saved in the CRM.
Can companies of this type obtain benefits from the inbound approach despite operating in a wedding photo editing service very narrow niche of the market? The answer is ABSOLUTELY Yes and in the next few lines we will see why. Ability to influence purchasing decisions In most companies, purchasing decisions and processes are not linear, but can be modified on the fly by a series of different factors: the economic situation of the company the different departments or business units involved the relationships between the people responsible for making decisions.

The timing of each project Consequently, marketing strategies must also adapt to the changing context and exploit every channel available to influence prospects' choices. Content marketing, social media and the construction of a solid bond of trust are just some of the cornerstones on which the inbound methodology is based to ensure that the company establishes itself as a leader in the eyes of interlocutors whatever their level of experience or the sector of origin.