What to do if your work, leisure and communication with friends are all on social media We'll figure out what to do next and forgetting the advice for two weeks can lead not only to peace but also to dismissal. Why are social networks dangerous? According to researchers from the agency, a person spends approximately 20 months of his or her life on social networks. In comparison, the time a person spends on food is 20 years and 0 months, while the time spent watching TV is close to 3 years.
How much time does the average person spend on social media every day? How Phone Number List much time does the average person spend on social media every day? If the number itself doesn't inspire fear, the authors of the next study were careful to convince you that the deadline is tight. For example, you could go to and from the moon times or run more than one marathon or climb Mount Everest times. You’re unlikely to travel to the moon or Mount Everest very often so let’s move on to another argument against social media addiction.

They make people unhappy. Watching the tape we compare ourselves to others. And there are very few outstanding questions on the page. It seems that other people's lives are happy and carefree, but . Many researchers have come to this conclusion, such as scientists at Utah Valley University who found that students who spent more time thinking life was treating them unfairly were happier than others. A team of scientists from the University of Houston studied how people compare themselves to other users and how they feel.