Not getting a reply doesn’t mean your prospect is not interested, everybody is busy and maybe your message simply slipped into the crack. A study made by made Waalaxy showed that you should send at least messages if you want to be sure to get a reply. linkedin message follow up stats . Use multichannel outreach If you aim to increase your reply rate, multichannel outreach is the way to go.
Combining Linkedin messages and cold seo expate bd emails in your prospecting sequences is super efficient. Especially when you start by sending emails and then follow-up and Linkedin. I, personally, use this technique and get up to % reply rate on Linkedin when I use it to follow-ups after my cold emails. multichannel cold outreach Here is a good multichannel outreach sequenc.

Start with emails send a connection request on linkedin if no reply if connection request is accepted, send a linkedin message if connection request is not accepted, send an inmail multichannel cold outreach sequence PRO TIP: If you use cold emails in your multichannel sequences, don’t forger to warmup your emails before you start sending messages. You can use a tool like Mailreach.