These emails are longer and more personalized—great for your most loyal customers or for businesses with a small client base. If you want shorter, more general copy, head on over to my holiday greetings and messages. The copy is also pasted into some templates I made in Canva, which you can access with a free Canva account! Here’s the link to the templates in Canva. free holiday email templates in canva Holiday customer email tips In such a short piece of content as this, small details have big effects.
Here’s how to get it right. Express gratitude! Customer appreciation is the goa wedding photo editing service l here. Keep it short and use a conversational tone. This is an e-toast, not a live journal. Be inclusive of all holidays, and be warm and positive, but not overly hyped—the holidays can be difficult for many people. Make it visual with creative graphics or a team photo. Share your growth and achievements to give customers a reason to stay confident in your business.

BUT make it about them—the growth you achieved with their support. What you achieved together. Connect it back to your mission NOT your value prop . Focus on the future. Speak to an ongoing relationship, but not through a CTA or sales promotion. Save that for your year-in-review email. t’s a Christmas miracle Free download Copy & Pasteable Email Templates for Small Businesses Words & phrases to make your holiday email message authentic.