Domain History Your domain history can also impact the time it takes for SEO. Typically, older domains perform better than younger domains in search engine optimization due to their age. This is because older domains are often more established, meaning they have a longer history with search engines and a more extensive backlink profile. This doesn't mean you have to buy an older or younger domain. Expert Views Google logo “As long as you've been around for at least two months, you should be able to appear in search results.
MATT CUTTS Information source According to Matt Cutts , a former Google employee, "as long as you've been around for at least two months, you should be able to show up in search results." Some SEOs disagree with this sentiment, but Australia Phone Number Data remember that search engines use over 200 factors to generate search results. Our advice? An older domain is good, but a domain related to your business is better in the long run. 4. Keyword Competition “Why does SEO take so much time?” asks the webmaster who is trying to rank in the “hotels” category with his brand new site. Keyword competition also plays a role in the time it takes for SEO.

Shorter keywords (one or two words) with higher search volumes are generally more competitive than longer keywords (three or four words or more). This means that you are competing with reputable sites to rank for a keyword such as "hotels", and if your website does not have the right backlinks profile (and other SEO ranking factors) to keep up with the competition, you will likely see little change in your SEO results.