Change when an Extraordinary Appeal arrives on the matter? ConJur — How has the Public Ministry worked to comply with cooperation agreements? Madruga — It has improved a lot. The Public Ministry is becoming more and more specialized in this. ConJur — How do you explain asset recovery? Madruga — It is the recovery of an asset that was illegally diverted. The victim of this diversion can be the State, private companies and even individuals. For a long time, especially in government, when there was corruption, assets were diverted and not recovered. ConJur — And when did this start to change? Madruga — Asset recovery gained more strength when it began to be focused on the criminal environment — recovering assets that were products or instruments of crime.
This led Márcio Thomaz Bastos [ Minister of Justice in President Lula's first term ] to set up a department focused on this [ Department of Asset Recovery and International Legal Cooperation of the Ministry of Phone Number List Justice ], of which I was director from to ConJur — How important is asset recovery? Madruga — In the civil area, it is obvious: the injured person recovers their property. In criminal matters, it's not that obvious. Apart from crimes of passion, they are all economically motivated. For a long time, the focus of fighting crime was arresting people. Today, it has been more than proven that as important as arresting the criminal is seizing the means that allow the criminal enterprise to operate.

For example, if there is a drug transport company, just arresting employees is no use. They are replaced the next day. Every time a drug boss dies on the hill, the next day another takes over. The only way to strangle crime is to take the fuel out of it. ConJur — Asset recovery serves to make crime not pay. Madruga — Exactly. For some people, it is worth spending time in prison to be able to enjoy their heritage after gaining freedom. Brazil has started to pay attention now that these assets resulting from crime can be used to fight crime itself, especially in a country that has limited resources like ours. Just look at a police station yard to see seized cars and planes rotting there. This could be used to combat crime.