本帖最後由 shiyabulsa@gmai 於 2024-3-16 18:12 編輯
Se geomarketing With the evolution of technology, the possibilities of geomarketing are increasing, as well as its uses, which are becoming increasingly useful and efficient for companies. Learn about some strategies that businesses are using to achieve more results: Geotargeting Probably the best-known way to use geomarketing today is geotargeting, which is the strategy of segmenting audiences according to their location. Thus, a campaign can be segmented according to the country where people live,
the city where they were born or the neighborhood where they Jiangsu Mobile Phone Number List work - as long as these data satisfy the objectives of the strategy. ADVERTISEMENT For example, if you have a graphic in the city of Barranquilla, why would you advertise to the residents of Medellín? Geomarketing allows you to filter only the audience that interests you, offer content appropriate to them and bring better results for your campaigns. How to execute geotargeting? Geotargeting criteria are offered on most paid media platforms

on the web, such as Google Adwords and Facebook Ads, which collect users' IP address data. You can select the desired locations by country, region, state and city. In some cases, platforms also offer targeting options by zip code, neighborhood, and distance radius, in addition to reach estimates for each selection. Custom site You may have already entered a page and received a notification like this: “this site wants to know your location.” But why do you