On what we believe users want and expect. The result is that we often talk about personas when in reality we have proto personas, in which we crystallize our prejudices or those of our client instead of putting them to the test of facts. But user research should have as its first objective to prove us wrong, not right. Only in this way is there room for discovery, and for real opportunities to make a difference. Even at a business level discovering an unexpected user need means discovering a potential killer feature that will differentiate us from the competition. AND EMILI deals with strategic development and consultancy on digital channels. Discover Digital Product Design services Let's remember that we have an innate tendency to overestimate how much other people share our judgments and values we believe that "normal" people see an interface the way we see it, and only "strange" people interpret it differently or "don't understand it. This is the effect of false consensus , which is summarized in the warning.
You are not the user that every good designer should always keep in photo editing servies mind. Let's remember that our design ideas, no matter how good they seem to us, are always to be treated as hypotheses to be validated, and that validation necessarily passes through the end user. In the words of Erika Hall When freewheeling thinking meets reality, reality wins. We need to make friends with reality. Reality is real users in the real world, outside our studio or the client's office. So why not carry out user research? The main objections we encounter on the road to user research are We do not have enough time; we don't have enough resources/budget; we already know who our users are.

We already have the answer to point what we think we know we must validate with research which will have surprises in store for us . As for points and anyone living in the real world knows that every project is a race against time and the unexpected. The customer requires features to be delivered as soon as possible, the product owner or project manager worries that budgets and deadlines are respected. The crucial question however is how much will it cost us in the future not to do user research? It could increase after sales support costs; it could generate zero conversions; decree the total or partial failure of the entire project.