The State Information System (GIS) "Rulemaking", which will speed up the process of adopting and coordinating documents, will begin to be put into operation in February 2023. Its author - the Ministry of Economic Development - wants various departments to interact on the platform in real time. At the same time, the Federation Council is completing the first stage of the "Digital Parliament" project. On its basis, a platform of best practices for the implementation of legislative activities will be created. Departments are also developing specialized online services for citizens as part of improving the public services system.
Last year, more than 6.5 thousand decrees and orders of the Russian government were adopted, said Vitaly Tekhtelev, Deputy Director of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Economic Development (MED), at the end of November at the Federation Council round table "Best Regional Practices in the Field of Digitalization of State and content writing service Municipal Administration". The meeting was organized by the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building jointly with the Council for the Development of the Digital Economy. According to Vitaly Tekhtelev, the average period for preparing a legal act is about a year, and about six federal executive authorities are involved in it. Approvals reach 12 iterations, each of which lasts about a month. The prerequisites for creating the GIS "Rulemaking" are obvious.

Vitaly Tekhtelev, Ministry of Economic Development:
– It is necessary to implement the possibility of joint work on a regulatory act in real time, which will eliminate lengthy coordination between federal executive bodies.
The GIS "Norm-making" will be integrated with the portals of draft regulatory legal acts regulation.gov.ru, open data and the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIA)
According to the GIS roadmap, the system will be launched into trial operation between February and September 2023.
People are used to trusting government resources, and when building a system, it is necessary to introduce elements of protection for all government sites, no matter how small they are, noted Vladimir Kozhin, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security. According to him, if this is not done, then all the positive things that digitalization brings to society quickly turn into negatives.
No more than 25% of legislative bodies have information systems. Increasing their number would significantly improve the quality of government agencies' activities, noted Timur Makhmutov, Director of the Department of International Regional Cooperation of the Accounts Chamber.
An analysis of information technology interaction between the Federation Council and the regions has revealed a serious lag in the level of use of digital technologies in the legislative bodies of the subjects, emphasized Irina Rukavishnikova, First Deputy Chairperson of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building.
Both Rostec and the Federation Council are providing expert support to regions in developing digital transformation strategies; the work is being done in tandem, said Deputy Head of the Federation Council Staff Andrei Bezrukov.
According to him, the first stage of modernization of the Federation Council infrastructure within the framework of the Digital Parliament project will be completed in December. In particular,
Senators' workstations have already been synchronized with the unified digital space of the Federation Council and the State Duma
Andrey Bezrukov, Federation Council:
– We assume that the information systems that will be developed and implemented within the framework of the “Digital Parliament” as best practices will be able to be used by regional parliaments. They will take ready-made solutions, as if from an app store, and implement them in their processes.
Andrey Bezrukov also spoke about the pilot project of the Federation Council with the National Research University Higher School of Economics. In the process of work, a platform of best practices for the implementation of legislative activities will also be created.