Finding the channel you need in Telegram is as easy as pie! That's why, if you have any difficulties while searching, don't despair. Just read our step-by-step guide and follow the steps described below 
Choose the method you like best and go ahead!
Instructions for searching telegram channels
There are different ways to search for chats in Telegram. However, it is worth noting that, first of all, it is advisable to download the application itself and register.
It won't be difficult for you to create an account in Telegram, because wordpress web design agency you will only need to indicate your name and phone number, and then enter the code from the SMS. Once the registration is complete, you can proceed directly to searching for the channel.

Method 1.
If you know the name of the channel you are interested in, perhaps this easiest method was created especially for you!
Go to the application. Open the chats section (this is the main section with your correspondence). At the top of the screen, pay attention to the search bar. Now, to find a chat, you just need to enter the name of the channel you are interested in. As soon as you fill in the search bar, the necessary channel will be displayed. Open it, and... done!
Method 2.
If you do not remember the full name of the channel, you can use another method - search by keyword. This method is also not particularly tricky, which will allow you to easily find what you want.
Open your browser. You can find what you need using a regular search engine. Enter the approximate name of the channel (from memory) in the search bar and specify that you are looking for a link with access specifically for the channel in Telegram. For example, “movies Telegram channel”.
The results for your request will help you with your search. Follow the links to find that very information chat. You will definitely find it in one of the results, and then using the link you can go to the application and join the channel.
Method 3.
There is another way to find a channel. It is extremely simple, but to use it you already need a ready link with access to the channel.
Let's say your friend advised you to join a channel. In this case, you can find this very chat channel in a way different from the first two.
Ask your friend to share the access link to this channel with you. To do this, your friend only needs to open the channel, go to its description by clicking on the chat name, and copy the link, which is located approximately in the middle of the screen. Your friend will forward this link to you, after which you only need to follow it.