And when communication is not effective, according to Dawkins, distortions and mutations are created with respect to the original idea. Since 2010, the advance of social networks and the growth of new forms of sociality on the web have spontaneously generated irreverent, ironic and sometimes intentionally nonsensical content: memes as we know them today. Why are memes so successful on the web? Because they fit fully into the remix culture , as understood by sociologist Lessig. The value of remixing lies in the ability to generate infinite variations starting from a theme, in a collective creation process that does not have a defined author and does not follow the rules of Copyright that prohibit the use of other people's intellectual property.
In the complex collective narrative that is the web space, anyone whatsapp number data can become the author of a meme that goes viral and spreads throughout the world . They can do it using native content, such as a photograph taken in the first person, or using a scene from a film, a TV series or a comic. Appropriating a cultural object protected by copyright is not permitted, yet the fact that it is recontextualized does not make it subject to criticism or claims by those who hold the reproduction rights.
Today the expression meme is in fact related to the web and alludes to funny contents – images, videos or texts – that quickly become viral for their ability to strike the imagination and influence those who observe them. They work for a variety of reasons. They make the user feel part of a community: every meme works and is entertaining as long as the creator and the user share a reference culture and are part of a group; in this way it will be possible to decode the message.